So after learning yesterday that the Russian search engine Yandex (Яндекс) cached pages, I started looking at a few other well-known, non-English search engines. Baidu, the Chinese search engine has just expanded into Japan with a Japanese Baidu. Both of these also have cached copies of pages. At Baidu, look for the 百度快照
links after the URL (similar to Google’s placement). For the Japanese version, the cache linked is キャッシュ
in a similar location.
For us non-Chinese and non-Japanese speakers, is there any use in these? Well, they are one more source for archived versions of pages, including English-language ones. For example, a search on library of congress (in English) finds hits at both. Here is a screenshot the Chinese version with the cache link in gray at the end.
And here’s the Japanese version, with the cached link again in gray at the end. I’ll be adding both of these to my Finding Old Web Pages page.